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Henrietta Public Library's Book Shoppe, filled with bookshelves full of books.
Henrietta Public Library Friends & Foundation logo

The Friends and Foundation are a non-profit group volunteers dedicated to helping the library fund special projects and promote reading and the use of our library. 


The HPLFF Book Shoppe is currently open limited hours:

Monday: 9am - 4pm; 6:30 - 8:30pm

Tuesday: 10am - 5pm; 6:30 - 8:30pm

Wednesday: 10am - 5pm; 6 - 8:30pm

Thursday: 10am - 4:30pm; 6 - 8:30pm

Friday: 10am-5pm

Saturday: 10am - 4:30pm

Sunday: Closed


Donations can be brought to the library anytime we are open and given to the Circulation Desk (first desk to the left). The items that they accept for donation are books (in good condition, hardcover or paperback), magazines, video DVDs and jigsaw puzzles. Please limit your donation to one box or two bags. Here is more information about what items can be donated to the Book Shoppe.

Henrietta Public Library

625 Calkins Road

Rochester, NY 14623

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Library Hours

Monday: 9am - 9pm

Tuesday: 9am - 9pm

Wednesday: 9am - 9pm

Thursday: 9am - 9pm

Friday: 9am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 5pm

Sunday: Closed

Book Shoppe Hours

Monday: 9am - 4pm; 6:30 - 8:30pm

Tuesday: 10am - 5pm; 6:30 - 8:30pm

Wednesday: 10am - 5pm; 6 - 8:30pm

Thursday: 10am - 4pm; 6 -8:30pm

Friday: 10am - 5pm

Saturday: 10am - 4:30pm

Sunday: Closed

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