Tech Tutoring
The Henrietta Public Library offers one-on-one, 30-minute long “tech tutoring” appointments. During a tech tutoring appointment, you will meet with a Henrietta Public Library staff member to focus on one topic, related to a specific device, application (app), or technology skill. All appointments will be held in-person inside the library.
Please read the Tech Tutoring Guidelines to ensure we can accommodate your technology needs.
Tech Tutoring Guidelines
What types of tech help is available through a tech tutor:
Using Libby on any device
Setting up an email address
Basic social media questions
Using Microsoft Office or Google Drive products
Downloading apps onto a smartphone/tablet
Basic smartphone help
Using Zoom
Transferring files from phone to computer or another device
What tech tutors cannot help with:
Computer lessons/introduction to what a computer is
Listing items on an online marketplace (i.e. Etsy, eBay, Facebook Marketplace)
Creating an animated video
Taxes, resume/cover letter help, proofreading, legal documents
Using or setting up a device at home
How to book a tech tutor appointment:
Schedule a Tech Tutor on our website, call 585-359-7092 to make an appointment, or ask a staff member in person at the library.
Be specific about the help that you need. This will help the tech tutor be prepared and the session will go more smoothly.